Security Clearance Process
Companies Use Loophole in Keeping Clearance Active
In accordance with Executive Orders and policy guidance from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the granting of a security clearance should only be done when there is a legitimate need for access to classified information. Defense Industry companies are highly encouraged to keep the numbers of cleared
DOHA Judge Gets Clearance Denial Case Remanded for Inserting Personal Opinions
Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals (DOHA) judges are supposed to review facts presented in security clearance appeal cases and use the adjudicative guidelines to determine if national security concerns were mitigated or not. Impartiality and putting aside personal views and biases are necessary traits in order for judges to
Moving from One Cleared Job to Another? You Still Have to Protect Classified Information
The DoD industrial security world is a huge revolving door with clearance holders changing companies and jobs at rapid pace and swapping one cleared employer for another. Take note, however, even though the new employer has a facility clearance and is working on classified contracts, individuals still have responsibilities to protect classified
History of How the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency Came to Be
The Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) is now the largest and primary security agency in the U.S. Government after absorbing the personnel and responsibilities from the Defense Security Service (DSS) and National Background Investigations Bureau (NBIB). This latest transformation is just one of many over the years. For many