Security Clearance Denial
Reasons why security clearance applications are rejected.
Clearance Holder Uses Marijuana to Save Marriage
I was reading through the transcript of a recent Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Hearing and Appeals case and was astounded when I came to the part about why this DOE contractor used marijuana while possessing a security clearance, and then lied about it. In 2017 the contractor underwent
Head Banging and Angry Outbursts in the Workplace Results in Clearance Denial
In Security Executive Agent Directive (SEAD) 4 under Guideline I; Psychological Conditions it states certain emotional, mental, and personality conditions can impair judgment, reliability, or trustworthiness. A recent Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals (DOHA) case involved a DoD contractor who was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), previously known as Asperger’s
Public Intoxication on Airplane Results in Clearance Denial
In May 2020, a Department of Energy (DOE) contractor had her security clearance suspended after the latest alcohol related incident involving public intoxication (PI) on an airplane in 2019. Additionally, the contractor intentionally provided false information to the psychologist concerning her alcohol consumption. The Local Security Office (LSO) further alleged
Doubts About Trustworthiness and Honesty Doom Clearance Reinstatement
Under the national security adjudicative guidelines Personal Conduct (Guideline E) covers many areas that don’t fall into criteria under other guidelines. Disqualifying conduct under personal conduct includes dishonesty, history of rule-breaking, failure to follow orders, negligence in work performance, falsification, civil litigation, or omission of relevant facts during the background