Security Clearance Denial
Reasons why security clearance applications are rejected.
Dating Site Scam Artist Boondoggles Clearance Holder
Time and again I read stories about how a security clearance holder meets someone on a dating site, becomes smitten without even meeting in person, and then starts doing very foolish things like sending money or opening up new bank accounts for wire transfers from the person to move to
Financial Issues Continue to be the Top Reason for Clearance Denials
After taking a quick peek at the latest Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals (DOHA) case it is still clear without a doubt that financial issues dominate as the number one reason applicants are denied security clearance eligibility. The types of issues run from running up credit card debts and
Background Investigator Uncovers a Trail of Lies by a DOE Contractor
A Department of Energy (DOE) contractor was denied clearance eligibility based on his inability to be forthright and honest about the extent of his illegal drug use. What set this particular appeals case apart from other similar cases was the extent his lies, both on the SF-86 questionnaire and in
Timecard Fraud Leads to FBI Investigation and Clearance Revocation
Claiming hours worked when you don’t actually perform the work is never a good idea, yet it happens quite frequently with defense contractors working on government projects. A Raytheon systems engineer, who had a Secret clearance, had a habit of disappearing every Friday even though he claimed to be working during