Security Clearance Denial
Reasons why security clearance applications are rejected.
Multi-Millionaire Denied Clearance Eligibility
I don’t see more than a handful of Defense Office of Hearing and Appeal cases where the applicant is denied security clearance eligibility due to having monies, property and business dealing outside of the United States. This one caught my eye because it involved a multi-millionaire who had assets in
Embellished Excuses for Self-Inflicted Wounds Land Clearance Holder in Hot Water
Every once in a while, I run across a security clearance appeals casewhere I ask myself did this really happen? There are some people outthere with mental disorders that impact their ability to thinkstraight when under stress, causing bizarre or abnormal behavior. Ifound a recent Department of Energy security clearance
Don’t Send Safe Combinations and Classified Network PINS to Your Personal Email
Security clearance holders all go through an indoctrination briefingthat includes proper handling and storage of classified or protectedinformation. They also get an annual refresher training. Unfortunately,some people find it difficult remembering information like safecombinations and personal identification numbers (PIN) for access toclassified IT networks. A defense contractor recently had hisclearance
Clearance Denied Due to Overdue Student Loans
Based on historical Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals (DOHA) cases, it would be a good bet that one of the first cases for this year involved financial issues. The DoD Central Adjudication Facility (CAF) issued this applicant a Statement of Reasons (SOR) regarding her $212,000 in delinquent student loans