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Security Clearance Denial

Reasons why security clearance applications are rejected.

Security Clearance Denial

Another interesting Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals case caught my eye because it involved a systems administrator and installation and use of a Chinese made web browser on his government workstation. The DoD initially denied his clearance eligibility based on security concerns involving finances and use of information technology.

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Security Clearance Denial

A recent Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals (DOHA) case involved a former confidential informant (CI) who was caught selling marijuana at his college and subsequently got roped into becoming an informant by a Special Agent from an unknown agency. The DoD declined to grant him clearance eligibility based on

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Security Clearance Denial

In one of the more unusual Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Hearing and Appeals cases, a DOE contractor had his clearance eligibility revoked due to concerns about psychological conditions and misuse of information technology. The contractor subsequently appealed – below are the highlights of the case. The contractor had

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Security Clearance Denial

I recently came across an interesting security clearance appeals case from the Department of Energy Office of Hearing and Appeals where a security clearance holder was asked to fill out a new SF86 at the five-year mark after being granted a clearance and did not disclose any illegal drug use

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