Obtaining Security Clearance
Getting, obtaining, updating a new security clearance or going through the Periodic Reinvestigation process
New School Lesson: How to Get a Security Clearance
An article in last week’s Washington Post reported, “Maryland public schools will soon establish ‘security clearance’ educational programs for students as part of the state’s effort to capitalize on new jobs anticipated as part of the Pentagon’s base realignment, school officials say.” The Maryland officials want their workforce to be
Cost of Security Clearance Investigations
OPM recently announced (FIN 07-08) the prices of their investigative products for Fiscal Year 2008. The cost of some high end security clearance products, which involve considerable field investigative work, increased about 4.8 percent, and the low end products that rely mostly on automated checks increased about 8.6 percent. Here
Ask Your Clearance Questions – Part 2
The previous thread devoted to questions and answers regarding security clearances received 100+ comments and got full quick. Here’s another empty thread to post in.
Security Clearance Backlog Ending – Do You Agree?
This new article details that the end of the federal government’s security clearance logjam is finally in sight, according to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. Kathy Dillaman, associate director for OPM’s Federal Investigative Services, said that 80 percent of OPM’s initial investigations of applicants are being finished in less than