Obtaining Security Clearance
Getting, obtaining, updating a new security clearance or going through the Periodic Reinvestigation process
Ask Your Clearance Questions Part 6
No doubt, this blog is the most popular and reliable place to ask questions regarding an inherently confusing subject – security clearances. Ask your questions here and our regular contributors will try to answer them. Please do not address a contributor by name to ensure anyone who has knowledge might
This Week at OPM
According to the OPM Operational Goal Status for 2008, the following security investigation/clearance actions were scheduled to be completed on March 17, 2008: 1. Develop a tiered investigative efficiency model for suitability and security clearance investigations. 2. Develop requirements for expansion of Clearance Verification System as a single search system
Ask Your Clearance Questions: Part 5
Our popular series of Q&A regarding security clearances continues in this thread. Before you ask your question, please navigate to view threads one through three to see if your question has already been asked and answered. When asking a question, please include all relevant details to your case. Avoid using
Same Old Song and Dance?
A February 15, 2008 reported on the “progress” being made to reduce security clearance processing time. The article contained a link to the February 2008 Report of the Security Clearance Oversight Group (SCOG). This is the third annual report to Congress regarding compliance with Title III of the Intelligence Reform