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Obtaining Security Clearance

Getting, obtaining, updating a new security clearance or going through the Periodic Reinvestigation process

Obtaining Security Clearance

The National Background Investigation System (NBIS) has been in the news quite a bit lately, and not in a good way. Congressional hearings, Inspector General reports, and even the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) itself, who owns the system, all acknowledge the continuing issues with NBIS despite being eight

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Obtaining Security Clearance

A defense contractor was initially denied clearance eligibility by the DoD due to concerns involving sexual behavior. Specifically, the conduct involved flashing his sexual organs at random people in public. The contractor successfully appealed the decision to the Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals, however, Department Counsel appealed DOHA’s decision,

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Obtaining Security Clearance

Employees who have a history of quitting or walking off the job without notice may find obtaining security clearance eligibility a challenge. Why? Because it shows the employee is unreliable, has poor judgment, and is not trustworthy, all elements in the adjudicative guidelines under personal conduct. A recent Department of Energy

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Obtaining Security Clearance

It is highly recommended for security clearance applicants and current clearance holders to review their online digital footprint. This ensures anything they may have posted when they were young and foolish, under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or engaged in an unhealthy relationship that ended poorly with revenge photos

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