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Obtaining Security Clearance

Getting, obtaining, updating a new security clearance or going through the Periodic Reinvestigation process

Obtaining Security Clearance

Despite the fact that in today’s high tech society nearly everyone has instant access to a sea of information via the internet, an important requirement for males living in the U.S. is quite often overlooked or discounted.  The Selective Training and Service Act  instituted in 1940, temporarily suspended in 1975,

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Obtaining Security Clearance

A recent news story from New Mexico highlights the seriousness of conduct that is directed towards law enforcement officials. According to an article filed by Reuters, Yolanda Arguello, a kitchen employee working as a contractor for the New Mexico Department of Corrections licked the cheese on sandwiches and sucked on ice

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Obtaining Security Clearance

When discussing security clearances and one’s responsibilities, most associate it with handling and protecting classified national security information. However, often overlooked is the fact that handling and preventing unauthorized disclosure of other types of protected information is just as important.  These may include: For Official Use Only; Sensitive But Unclassified;

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Obtaining Security Clearance

We were all young once, and to varying degrees, quite foolish. Time has since passed since we sat around the campfire smoking marijuana, responsibilities have been added, and now we are adults with jobs.  Unfortunately, the passage of time does not completely erase the errors of the past, but it can,

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