Obtaining Security Clearance
Getting, obtaining, updating a new security clearance or going through the Periodic Reinvestigation process
How to Mitigate Financial Difficulties Before You Apply for a Security Clearance
Here are some tips to mitigate financial difficulties before you apply for a security clearance or undergo a periodic reinvestigation: Research your financial history, get credit reports from multiple credit bureaus, and ensure you have a clear picture of all delinquent debts, past and present. This will help you when
Security Clearances and Legalized Marijuana: What You Should Know
As of today, 25 states have legalized medical marijuana while four states—Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, and the District of Columbia have legalized recreational pot. With the coming elections there could be as many as 14 additional states added to the list. What does this mean for the potential security clearance applicant or current
Financial Issues Still the Biggest Reason for a Clearance Denial
Of the 881 security clearance appeals heard by the Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals this year, the overwhelming majority of denials involve financial issues. Most of the cases are pretty cut and dry because the applicant failed to take steps to mitigate the security concerns. Let’s take a look
FBI Loyalty Agreement Required for Dual Citizens
As we all know, one of the adjudicative guidelines that could disqualify a person from being granted eligibility for a security clearance is Guideline C: Foreign Preference. Most of the time this deals with those who claim dual citizenship, meaning a person is a citizen of two countries at the