Obtaining Security Clearance
Getting, obtaining, updating a new security clearance or going through the Periodic Reinvestigation process
DISA Provides Small Business Owners Information on Security Clearance and FCL Processes
The Defense Information Systems Agency’s (DISA) Small Business Office, which operates out of the U.S. Army base at Ft. Meade, MD., held an informational session last month for small businesses representatives to help them understand what the security clearance process entails and offered a view on current timelines and backlog
Why Can’t I Use Marijuana and Have a Clearance?
A DoD contractor was denied eligibility for a security clearance by the DoD CAF due to concerns about her extensive history of marijuana use, falsification of her security questionnaire, and a number of delinquent student loans. The Statement of Reasons (SOR) identifying the concerns alleged the following: – Eight delinquent student
Beware of Using Marijuana Extracts
More than a year ago, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) added marijuana extracts to its list of Schedule 1 drugs. Schedule 1 drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Cannabidiol (CBD) and CBD oils are considered extracts. These
Mental Wellness is Key to Mitigating Psychological Issues
There is much discussion on the forum about whether or not counseling or taking medication for a mental illness would prevent you from obtaining or holding a security clearance. Myths continue to permeate and cause those needing help to hesitate in seeking it out for fear of losing their eligibility.