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Obtaining Security Clearance

Getting, obtaining, updating a new security clearance or going through the Periodic Reinvestigation process

Obtaining Security Clearance

There are lots of questions on this site from security clearance applicants regarding what or how to list employment activities in Section 13A on the SF-86. The more accurate and thorough you are, the easier it is for investigators and records custodians to verify the information and check the block.

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Obtaining Security Clearance

Many of our warfighters return from hostile-fire zones all over the world, elect to leave the service, and then end up returning to the same areas as a contractor or consultant making a lot more money. Nothing wrong with that, as they have a special skill set that is in

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Obtaining Security Clearance

Many on this forum have described their own personal history of illegal drug use and then ask for an opinion on how long they have to wait to have a chance at getting granted a security clearance. No one can answer that with certainty as many factors are involved and

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Obtaining Security Clearance

Imagine this scenario: you just graduated college and are offered a job that requires eligibility for a security clearance. You fill out the SF-86 and for fear of not getting the job offer, omit the fact that you used marijuana and misused prescription drugs a few times while in college.

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