Career Advice
Specific questions and answers from job seekers on the career hunt
Office of Personnel Recommendations?
On May 8, 2009 John Berry, the Director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) jokingly told a senate subcommittee that his agency was sometimes referred to as the “Office of Personnel Recommendations.” Berry made this comment at a hearing on the Federal Hiring Process Improvement Act of 2009 (S.736).
Making the Military Grade in the Diploma Mill
A news story from WHNT NEWS in Huntsville, Alabama exposed how people in high positions in the military and missile defense have purchased their degree without spending all the time, energy and money – at a diploma mill, where no classes and no course work are necessary…just cash. The story
Credit Repair or Scam?
Worried about being denied a security clearance because of bad credit? Considering a credit repair company to fix your credit report? In an AARP Bulletin Today Scam Alert article, Credit Repair’s Dirty Business, Steven Baker of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) was quoted as saying, In the last year, we’ve
Criminal Conduct and Security Clearances II
This is the second of a two-part article on the relevance and effect of criminal conduct on security clearances. Part 1 covered the Relevance of Criminal Conduct to Security Clearances. Posted on, the article focuses on the effects of criminal conduct on security clearances. EVALUATING CRIMINAL CONDUCT Although, Criminal