Background Investigations
Improvement in Clearance Processing Time?
Some major defense contractors feel that no significant improvement has been made this year in security clearance processing times. “Despite the expected need next year for more IT workers with high-level security clearances, human resources executives agree the government logjam of clearing new hires hasn’t improved much this year; nor
DNI Announces Development of New Clearance Process
In testimony before congress in September the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), Mike McConnell, announced that: We have (in conjunction with DoD) designed a transformed clearance process and developed a plan to assess the validity of this process. The comprehensive reform of the security clearance process remains our ultimate goal
Ask Your Clearance Questions – Part 3
Since the first two threads we’ve started on obtaining answers to clearance questions have filled up, we are starting a new one. Please post questions here and we will do our best to respond to them.
Cost of Security Clearance Investigations
OPM recently announced (FIN 07-08) the prices of their investigative products for Fiscal Year 2008. The cost of some high end security clearance products, which involve considerable field investigative work, increased about 4.8 percent, and the low end products that rely mostly on automated checks increased about 8.6 percent. Here