Background Investigations
DIA Plans to Hire Contract Polygraphers
On 23 August 2008 the Washington Post carried an AP story about the Defense Intelligence Agency’s (DIA) intention to use contractors to conduct polygraph examinations for security clearances. “An unclassified DIA document describing the new effort says the contractor hired to perform the exams will conduct a minimum of 4,550
Ask Your Clearance Questions – Part 13
Our popular ongoing series allows you to ask your most complex questions regaring security clearances and our regular contributors of present and former clearance investigators and adjudicators will try to answer them. Here are the rules: Please do not address a contributor by name to ensure anyone who has knowledge might answer.
GAO Testimony on Clearance Process Reform Efforts
On 30 July 2008 the Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported (GAO-08-1050T) their review of personnel security clearance reform efforts to a congressional subcommittee. Their observations and recommendation were based on the recently issued Joint Security and Suitability Reform Team’s Initial Plan, the appendix to that plan, and Executive Order 13467.
Ask Your Clearance Questions – Part 12
Our popular ongoing series allows you to ask your most complex questions regaring security clearances and our regular contributors of present and former clearance investigators and adjudicators will try to answer them. Here are the rules: Please do not address a contributor by name to ensure anyone who has knowledge might answer.