Marko Hakamaa
Sexual, Drug, and More Issues Sink Clearance Reinstatement for IT Contractor
In most security clearance denial cases, you see one, two or maybe three issues that result in the denial. It is rare to see four types of issues, but that is exactly what happened in this particular case. A federal contractor IT specialist held a security clearance from 1989 until
SEAD 3 and Cleared Employees Reporting Financial Issues
Now that you were granted clearance eligibility it does not mean you are done being evaluated as a trusted clearance holder. In accordance with Security Executive Agent Directive (SEAD) 3, you are required to report certain things, including financial issues that arise which may cause you to become delinquent on your debts.
Contractor Caught in 20+ Year Lie About Military Service
A DoD contractor who had a security clearance for ten years was caught lying on his SF-86 when he was asked to fill out a new application in order to enroll him in Continuous Evaluation (CE). A review of the SF-86 is done to determine if any issues are present, and if
Clearance Applicant Indicted for Hiding Foreign Citizenship and Contacts
The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) released a statement last week on the indictment of a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) federal employee, Yifei Chu, for falsifying his clearance application. He did not provide the required information regarding his Taiwanese military contacts and he had kept dual citizenship with